And now to pay it forward...I'd like to award:
Lisa: http://positivelylisa.blogspot.com/
Jenn: http://justjennc.blogspot.com/
Erin: http://erinebailey.blogspot.com/
Well deserved ladies!
I had my big level 2 ultrasound today and let me tell you - I am so in love with this little guy that it is simply amazing. I had a regular appointment too - lost another three pounds but Joe is doing great so they aren't concerned. My dad surprised me and was able to come even though he didn't think he was going to be able to and we got to see Joseph up close and personal. All four chambers of his heart were busy pumping blood, he was kicking and playing with the umbilical cord and stretching his tiny little spine out. He weighs almost a pound now and is 7 inches long. What a blessing ultrasounds are! To get to put a little face on this tiny life. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you. Jeremiah 1:5"
Here are a couple of photos that I got to take with me...Awwww...
Sucking his thumb

His tiny little toes

And yes...I know Joseph - you are still a boy (with a hand next to his leg)

Josie took this last weekend when I was exactly 19.5 weeks or totally halfway. I'm getting to be more baby than me (finally!)

AND - I already have the last ultrasound photos scrapped - go me!...

This weekend is National Scrapbook Day (May 2nd) so keep a lookout next week for some more creations from my table!