Our good friends over at
The Scrap Room are hosting their 7th birthday celebration this month - the theme for their anniversary is Gratitude. At the end of the month you should have all of the makings of a journal of things that make your heart sing. I loved the idea but I also wanted to have all of my responses in one single place. So I thought I would try to update my blog with my journal entries here so I can come back to them and share them with my friends and family at the same time. Without further ado...
Gratitude Journal #1
Today I am grateful for my youngest son Joseph. I love all
of my children equally, but today when I came home from work feeling beat down and defeated, I could hear his tiny voice even before I got up the stairs calling
"MOMMY!" with all of the enthusiasm and joy of a two year old - just the sound and smell of him made my heart soar and my spirit sing. I am so glad I have that little miracle in my life.