Things are going great the East Tower. I got to watch the sun rise over a foggy morning in Des Moines, had a little nap and did some scrap website surfing with Kathy the Awesome Nurse. I found out that my favorite OB out of the practice is the on call today - I was really hoping that she would be the one who would deliver me (!!!) AND Kathy the Awesome Nurse has the same camera I do so she took some cute pictures of me and Dr. Roose and posed for me to take pics too. Always helps to have scrappers on hand during the important days! Is it strange to be having fun at a labor induction? Water broken - here we go.
Dr. Roose and I

Kathy The Awesome Scrapping Nurse and Ashley the equally awesome non scrapping nurse
Nice to see you smiling and having a good time waiting for labor! Only you! ;)
only you would update your blog from while in labor! :-))
Hahaha, I can't believe you are updating your blog while in labor. That's hilarious! So glad you had such an awesome doc and staff watching over you...what an answer to prayer! :)
lol..what a trooper...I guess that's one way to get your mind off of things..Now, you say 'non' scrapper..get moving girl!!..make her a
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