Monday: Blue And Gold Scouting Banquet
Accepting the badges |
Monday night was Jackson's Blue and Gold banquet for his Cub Scouts Troop. He earned his Bobcat Badge, his Wolf Badge, his gold arrow and his Bowling Belt Loop! We couldn't have been prouder!
The den leaders did a great job with a dinner and presentation. It really made things special!
He was also in a skit with his troop that I'm trying to get to load so I can share but haven't had any luck yet so we will settle for pictures instead.
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Proud Scout! |
Look at all of those badges. Looks like this momma has some serious sewing to do! That's OK! I really hope that this is just the first of many many many chances to get out my needle and thread and adorn the uniform with achievements!
Tuesday Blues
The morning after the award ceremony is when the illness hit, Jackson woke me up to tell me he had some loose poo but, of course, I shuttled him off to school anyway. No less than an hour later I got the call from the school nurse that he had thrown up and I was on my way to pick him up again.
The cardboard TV please note the cord and socket :) |
The rest of the day the kids flexed their creative muscles and made their own TV stage out of a cardboard box and put on "shows" for me all afternoon (again there is video and again it won't upload) I was impressed with their creativity and use of action figure plot lines as well as their lack of electronic and maternal assistance in creating these awesome memories. (I did help with the "sharp scissor" part of the production but that was IT!
Jackson after dentist |
Wednesday was an exciting day - Jackson got to go see his new Dentist here in Newton Dr. Kuhn. The hygenist was AWESOME and Jack did a great job getting his teeth cleaned and X-rays done! Look at them pearly whites. The best news is that we probably have about a three year reprieve on the orthodontia...but they are coming...
Joey went with us and did a great job watching his ABC mouse videos and being very patient and was rewarded by the office staff by getting to pick something out of the goodie drawer.
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Cougars and Wolves and Bears OH MY!
Chad called soon after we got done to ask if we wanted to meet up at Merle Hay Mall after he got off work to have a special surprise. He didn't even tell me what it was! So we loaded up the van and I took my two rockstars out to the mall. They got to play on the equipment, we walked through the stores and gazed at the merchandise AND THEN...the surprise...
Unbeknownst to me, the Red Rock Wildlife Association had set up a facility on the top level of the mall. I didn't know what I was expecting but it was definitely more underwhelming than what the center held. We paid our donation fee to the Wildlife fund and entered a space that I believe used to hold a Maurice's clothing store to find
Joey was terrified at first until we explained that the animals were in cages and they couldn't get him. I can't tell you how floored I was that there were live lynx, cougars, black bears, bobcats, and coyote in the MALL! All of the animal were native to Iowa and the kids were impressed with the pelts, taxidermy samples, skulls and of course, the live, caged animals!
My stinkers petting a stinker |
Watching the wolves pace |
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Not alive - still awesome! |

Ghetto Build a Bear
After leaving the wildlife center, the kids were rewarded for being good and patient while Chad and I browsed the art store and Bath and Body Works for some V-day goodies by getting to go into the "Teddy Bear Connection" a locally owned wanna be Build A Bear. We joke and call it ghetto but the reality is that it was very nice, affordably priced and the kids loved it! They both walked away with a small stuffed puppy that they stuffed themselves and put a wish inside!
Our family Valentine's day celebration ended with dinner at my favorite Low Carb paradise, Buffalo Wild Wings where we tricked the kids into searing off their own taste buds on the Spicy Garlic wings and had fun playing video trivia. A perfect end to a tremendously fun outing. All planned and executed by my amazing husband without my intervention or suggestions. That's the best Valentine's gift ever!
Actual Valentine's Day
I worked all day but got home in time to open the envelopes that Nana and Papa left behind before leaving for Arizona. Both boys got a huge card and some stickers that instantly became artwork :)
That's how we roll Valentine's week in this house!
You know that it's a boy's Valentine when the highlight includes petting a skunk and seeing live bears but I wouldn't change it!
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