Hi! thanks for visiting my blog! I am featuring the color Violet. It's ironic that I picked Violet since eggplant purple is one of the colors for my wedding in July! Everything in my world is a shade of dark violet right now...on the other hand its a color that I have never used in scrapping at all besides as a small accent color like on this layout.

So I have a challenge ahead of me learning how to scrap in purple...Speaking of challenges...leave a comment on my blog with how you have overcome a scrappy challenge and be registered for an adorable kit from S.E.I.
If you started with Jenny's blog then you have officially completed your rainbow and its time to head over to Lisa's blog to continue the fun!
Be sure to join us at Have Your Way With Paper for our "Lucky You" Crop next weekend - fun and prizes for all! Thanks for playing and we'll see you there!
Loving that sweet layout! JT is too cute!
I can't wait to see your eggplant/purple colored layouts!
cute layout
violet reminds me of all the wild violets that grew on the farm!
So excited to see some of your future wedding photos!
I remember always reaching for the violet crayon when I was younger, just love that color. I can't wait to see your wedding photos!
For Valentine's Day my husband got me purple/violet tulips. I'd have to say those were my favorite! :)
To overcome a scrappy challenge, I use websites like Scrapbook.com to get some tips and inspiration. Sometimes it helps to see how other people have used a tool or technique before you do it yourself.
i'm not a big fan of most purples, but i can say violet is a very pretty shade of purple. a color i've not had much luck with on pages. to overcome 'challenges' in scrapping, i find i just jump right in and hope for the best!
Mmmm! Violet reminds me of Spring flowers and I'm so ready for Spring!
Love purple! I like grapes! This is a fun hop!
When I think of violet, I think of Violets and flowers in general! Love your blog template!
The violets in my Gram's garden.
LOVE purple flowers! And I love mixing purple and orange for fun Halloween pages.
Sketches are usually my spring board for getting started on layouts. Without a sketch, I have the worst case of scrapper's block. :)
It is the best complement color to orange for Halloween pics for sure!
To overcome a scrappy challenge I go to sketches, in my books on blogs and websites. Or a favorite paper pack :O)
love purple playdoh and eggplant...yum!
My scrappy challenge has been and always will be actually scrapping! I'm getting over this challenge by going to more crops and not trying to scrap while at home. I can always think of other things that need to be done when I'm at home.
violet is Emily's most favorite color.... and my niece's best color too! We love all the purples around here.
I love violet...one of the names we thought of to name our daughter was violet. My mother in law is Viola (similiar to violet). The color is absolutely gorgeous on wildflowers such as lupine!
Love the violet color in the CTMH you rock paper. It was also my wedding color 12 years ago. Loved it then, still love it now!
Violet reminds me of spring flowers and easter!
I love purple! Your wedding is going to be beautiful! :)
My aunt mindy is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world and she loves her purples and violet. To my Bar Mitzvah, she wore a purple tuxedo and she always makes me smile.
Purple? Comes to my mind the smell of lavanda!
My 5 years son hates purple. It's girls color, he says! :)
His girl friends are all with purple... not pink anymore! ")
I like the color violet because my middelname is Violet.
love your layout
Purple is my favorite color! Purple roses, purple tulips, a purple sweater, purple paper, I Love Purple!
Love my lilac bush,purple hyacinth, and lavendar!!
Cute lay-out! I just go for it! If I don't like it I add to it, take away from it until it comes together!
Fun hop! abusybee24atcoxdotnet
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