What a TREMENDOUS weekend this has been - it was SO refreshing to get out of town for a few days and be reminded of Kansas City and all that I did and learned and grew into there, all of the amazing friends that are still part of my life from that time period. I'm SO blessed to still have these people in my life!!! If it weren't for all of my wonderful friends and family in Iowa, I'd be back there in the blink of an eye...
We started down on Friday morning and drove through torrential rain storms and to Heather's house to get to spend a little time with her and Amelia before going to set up at CJ's for the party. Would you just look at this sweet little thing - nearly one year old - walking around - throwing balls - and that luxurious red hair. I swear this child smiles with her entire face!The party was awesome! I can't even tell you how proud I am of Heather for
having the drive and determination to not only hold TWO doctorate degrees but also graduate Magna Cum Laude, in the Honor Society and win three other prestigious awards with her class. All while maintaining her home, her friendships and having her gorgeous daughter. You amaze me my darling!!!
Saturday morning was the real surprise...after 5 years of nothing but casual emails/facebook contact, Jackson met his father and two younger brothers! We met for a late breakfast at Mimi's Cafe in NKC at 10:00 and it all went really well! We all sat around talking like old friends, the boys were playing, holding hands and running around like they had known each other all their lives. I'm so glad that we opened this door and I pray that we can all continue to be in contact and that the boys will always know their brothers. They even had a baby gift for Joseph (man I wish that blankets were that soft for adults too!)
It feels SO good to let go of all of that anticipation and wondering and just know that all is well. I appreciate all of the advice and concern that my friends have shown, just know that I was totally at peace with this decision, have prayed over it and I believe that this is what was right for Jackson as he grows into more questions about his upbringing...Here are some of the photographic highlights (there is more info after these)...
Jackson meeting his dad...
Jacob (2) , Eric, Cameron (7 mos) and Jackson (4) together for the first time...

Jacob and Jackson sharing a brotherly hug.

Just the boys playing outside

...and if that weren't enough excitement for one weekend...I had promised Jackson that we would go swimming at the hotel - but there was one catch - the hotel we stayed at didn't have an indoor pool - only an outdoor one and it was still WAY too chilly for that! So we had to pack up our stuff and head down to the NKC Community Center to hang out in their indoor pool. 2 day passes and we spent the next two hours trying out Jack's new eye goggles that he got as a prize for being good at preschool. Here he is in his fashion eye wear and showing off his "kung fu fighting" moves.

Then we topped the whole experience off with Dinner with Katie, Marcia and Mike Todd at Chili's and a brunch with CJ, Shawn, and Dave on Sunday morning! We pulled into Altoona JUST in time to make it to small group at the church - we came home after that, did some laundry AND I actually finished scrapping a page (below) that I started a couple of weeks ago. No wonder I'm dragging butt today!!! I am SO satisfied though - sometimes the Lord knows just what we need to refresh our spirits...now if I could just have this baby TOMORROW I'd be a very happy little girl! I know he still has some cooking to do but I am getting antsy to have him in my arms!!! Patience is a virtue I know but its not something I have to like right?

I am so happy that things went so well for you and Jackson, Krissy! Who knows, maybe this is a great healing and restoring area of your life. Jackson REALLY looks like his daddy! :) Hang in there girl...let me rub your belly in June before you have that baby! hehehe
For some reason I didn't have you on my "follow" list! I do now:) You are looking great, my friend and I couldn't help but get all teary eyed at this post. I'm like Jenny, I pray this brings closure and healing to your precious life:) Love you girl!
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