Jackson's last week of preschool is next week and his last Bam Bam game is on Saturday morning. I'm so darn proud of the progress that he has made this year! He is really growing into a little man. He is going to be hanging out with my mom over the summer so that will be very special. Going to the pool, and the library and the Kids Cafe'. He is excited and so am I! It makes me SO anxious to be able to go through it all again with Joseph! It is the biggest blessing in the world to watch these little babies become independent little men and I am so happy that God saw fit to make me a mother again, even though I was sure that Jackson would be my one and only.
Speaking of Joseph, I had my 24 week appointment this week - I lost another 3 pounds but he is measuring really well (check out the belly below) and he is VERY active so the doctor isn't necessarily concerned but she did schedule me for another ultrasound next month (yay!) and I have my second round of glucose tolerance tests (only the 1 hour this time around - another yay!) After that - I'm in to the doc's office every two weeks until the last four when its every week! It's going by so fast - but not fast enough for me. I want him here!!! The nursery got painted last weekend and my neighbor lady said that she has a crib that I can have for FREE! Yes, I was in love with my nursery furniture and yes I will miss it - but I can't argue with FREE over $900 furniture

My scrapping mojo has been back full force too! I completed five layouts (only 4 of which I have scanned so far though) last weekend with Josie and I'm thrilled with them all. (see below).
So the end of this busy week is going to be even MORE busy-ness...After Jackson's Bam Bam game there is an awards ceremony where he gets his trophy and then we have the bridal shower for my future SIL - followed by her bachelorette party. Then only THREE MORE DAYS until I'm in Dallas, TX with my girls from Have Your Way With Paper!!!! I cannot WAIT to hang out with these ladies and have some fun and relaxing time away from home before the baby comes. Can you tell I'm ultra excited?
OK - here are some peeks of my layouts
I think this one is going to be a state fair entry for this year - Jackson and I in the same costume 26 years apart!