...about this little "hobby" of mine? The people! There ain't NO people like scrappy people to get you fired up and motivated and creatively charged. I'd like to welcome Lisa Burt (http://livelovescrapbooking.blogspot.com) to my crop circle! Lisa emailed me about my Memory Works consultantship and, after a series of emails we met for lunch and traded stories. I know so many people around me just shake their heads when I do things like pick up friends at the Scrap Store or my online girls on HYWWP but the women that have come into my life through this medium have been the greatest blessings that a girl could ever dream up.
Even MORE inspiration has just been pouring out of our amazing sponsor - Sketch Inspiration I was totally scared of this kit when I first came across it - there is so much glitter and glamour and sparkle and its totally out of the element of where I usually create that - well - it gave me the shakes a little...but I kid you not, after working with it for only just the past few weeks I have used up all but a few scraps of each sheet and ALL of the flowers and brads and ribbons. Skyline and butterfly kisses both came from that kit Every luscious drop has been squeezed out of this kit and I have loved it. Not only that but Sketch 136 was the inspiration for "butterfly kisses" below. I never think of using circles but I think it really sets off that photo. The last one is just for fun - wanted to showcase my HYWWP girls from our Chicago trip a few weeks ago. Miss them SO muchly.